
Single Life

Yes, the chair next to me is empty. You know, sometimes it is hard to find a person who understands you. Especially if you work in this redlight business. So I have to have fun with clients, doing party all day - but still there is something missing in my heart.

And it does not even help to be bisexual. Woman have the same resantiments against that Job, as men do.

Hey speaking of Single. While exploring the Area I found the SL Bonus Bank. It is a german business, and they offer Lindens for Real Life shopping. Isn't that fun? You get for example 240L$, if you open up a friendscout24.de Account. Check it out, here (SURL): Austernbucht (237,37,29).

PS: maybe I found a nice Miss, who understands my job - she said I just should not dress slutty in her presence. Now that will be something new for me - but I try.

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